Monday, February 2, 2009


This is my first blog. Now thanks goes to Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri, for encouraging me.
Well, I dont know him personally. I just happened to read one of his columns published along with his ad for IIPM in THE HINDU on February 2, 2009. It was titled "THE INDIAN ECONOMY WILL BE LEAST AFFECTED BY THE GLOBAL SLOW-DOWN!". The title was invitingly great and the content was equally good. The column ended with invitation to view his other opinions regarding India at his blog. So I visited his blog and saw his article "Don't see 'Slumdog Millionaire'. It sucks!". And reading that left me with borken expectations. I could see a whole bunch of biased ideas arranged beautifully with the help of immaculate language skills with a combined effect generating total aversion towards the author. I decided to write a comment for that blog and did it immediately. So now I have joined this blog and am blogging.

I believe that there is a time for everything to start. And so even after being an engineer and an entrepreneur for a few years, now was the time for me to start blogging!!!

Well congrats to myself on this new task in life. Wish me happy blogging.